Cover yer Stump!!!
Recently I was asked which one of my designs I liked best. The truth is I really don't know. There's just so many to choose from and each of every one of them is personal in its own little way...siiigh! Don't I just sound so soppy! But Harsh..(he's the one who asked the question !!..duh!!) already knew which one he liked. It's a little mascot I designed for an online comdom's the little fella! Whoever thought a condom couldn't be "cutified" can just swallow ..err...shove it! I thought I did a pretty good job...didja notice the little red veins I built into his eye?
My take on the "one eyed monster" Not so scary now is he???
all this is very cute n nice... but what about some of us folks?? dontcha av sumthin in da 'cover yer oak' variety??
hehehehehehhe nice one Ramesh....
Yeah Papa bear..
U know what i mean right..
sigh.. there are so few of us 'BIG BOYS' club types left...
n women just cannot believe it they want certification too... yeh kya ho raha hai baba..