Tuesday, April 5

Bug's Eye View...

Yea yea...some might say i'm all excited by this whole writing on my blog thingy, but i say to hell with them. I have some time on my hands and its well spent filling up this here blank space..(although technically it isn't really blank to begin with...but who cares!). Plus i found this brilliant little anecdote (mainly cos i came up with it!) that i want to post. It's a clip of a conversation that i had with my most stupendously fabulous cousin, the amazing nish-pish and it goes something ike this...

Rushes : who?
Nish : Give goosy jossip
Rushes : no sweetie..
Nish : that closet **censored**?
Nish : serious ??? he really is **censored**?
Nish : how did he manage to hook up with **censored**?
Rushes : i dunno
Nish : aaargh - the thought - now my whole day is ruined wth visual
Rushes : thats what most of **censored** thinks so....
Rushes : you know...people talk
Nish : hehehehe
Rushes : hehehehe
Nish : this is **censored** we're talking about!!
Rushes : we stick with the majority
Nish : hehehheheheee
Rushes : It's the 'heard instinct', sweetie
Rushes : If i heard it, it must be true!
Nish : Hear hear..
Rushes : ..or so I heard..hehehehhe

footnote: the above extract is just to show you how brilliant we are and is in no way meant to communicate the exact nature of our conversation. Soon after this we went on to discuss nuclear fusion, world peace and the Government's Economic Policy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

heh heh...you girls are crazy! Write on!


Wed Apr 06, 04:52:00 am GMT-7  

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