Sprung & Cleaned!
The Delhi spring hath sprung finally…and I spent all five hours (…Delhi has two seasons…it’s either too hot…or too cold. Period!) of it spring cleaning my apartment.. Really. I cleaned the windows, sorted out my cupboards, dusted my bookshelf, rearranged my cd’s, defrosted my fridge…(is there no end to my talents?) ..and even put one of those thingamajigs in the bathroom cistern that make the water flush blue! Now who says I don’t run a nice establishment? Even went and replenished my bar. And then, while I was so caught up in the fray I even stayed up a few extra hours and made lists of my books and my cd’s. And even though it sounds funny even to me…I kinda enjoyed doing it. All of it. I’m becoming one of those idiotic house-proud morons I’ve spent many a year laughing at. And organized to boot! Who would hae known? Not me! Siiiigh! Go figure!