Friday, July 7

..another one bites the dust..

What is it about men? Why are so many of them so wildly infuriating? Aaaaaaaaarrrrgh! Went to the gymkhana club last night.. was good… just the girls standing at our vantage point at the bar sipping our drinks and eating our sandwiches ..when we were approached by this guy and his best friend..(apparently they always hunt in packs..:P) ..this is snatches of the conversation that transpired..

Hunter : so why would you say so many women are single these days…
Varsha : we’re just getting more career oriented…
Hunter : ..and you Priya?
Pooch: Lack of men!
Hunter : ..and what about you Rush..(..another thing he insisted on was calling me rush cos another one of his friends, also a Rashmi, goes by the nick.. we Rushes tend to confirm apparently!)
Mee : general...especially the ones that ask stupid questions..
Hunter : ..why do you think so many people call you “rush”?
Mee : ..siiigh..i rest my case..

I mean…why do people call me rush? Hello!! ..he then went on to insist that he knew exactly what I wanted in a man, to elaborate on the philosophy of marriage, ask me out for coffee repeatedly..( if!!!!) and express MY views on the whole Delhi/Bombay which city is better in what aspect thingmibob to his friends with almost no encouragement from me whatsoever… all in the period of time that it took me to finish my glass of beer and run off to find someone...well...anyone else!

Luckily however, another one of my friends..(shall remain unnamed, of course) walked in sporting these huuuge hiccies that usually.(if not always) herald the arrival of a new man in her life! So the rest of the evening was spent with her cheerfully extolling the virtues of “grass-root” animal sex and romance at 40..(..vaguely familiar…I wonder why!) More power to you darling...go forth and copulate!(if that ain’t a commandment it sure as hell should be!)

Other than that everything seems to be well in place. Back at the office this morning taking a break from my coffee breaks to type this article so need to finish that mug before it gets too cold..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot the Studio 54 Angle.... What the hell did he mean by that anyway???

Fri Jul 07, 04:51:00 am GMT-7  
Blogger rushes said...

i haven't the faintest idea...something about the decal on my t-shirt and frantic gesticulating around the chest area...i almost slapped him there...bastard! And he wonders why so many women are single these days...they probably know him!

Fri Jul 07, 06:36:00 am GMT-7  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehehe,this was is so funny..wat a BUSTARD GUY!

Fri Oct 06, 05:24:00 am GMT-7  

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