So, it’s past eight and yet again I’m stuck at my stupid office getting stuff together for an unnaturally small amounts of hard cash. As that very wise woman once said…if incoming ever bes more than outgoing, you’re not having as much fun as you could be! Hell...I’m having waaaay more fun than I should, believe me! So I’m off now. Gotta go home and get ready for another fun night of dinner, drink and dance (the stuff of life!). Will just about manage to fit in two of my three customary changes before I’m satisfied ( Hah! Like THAT’S ever going to happen!!(..that very wise woman is the same one who said you can’t ever be too thin or too rich) (…it just occured to me…are parenthesis inside parenthesis a crime?..and if so will multiple brackets cancel each other out? ( d&p for the day dude!!!))) with my hips. Oops...kinda lost my chain of thought in there somewhere. A thousand apologies, kind bloggees! And so…I go!
is it better to keep your mouth shut and let every1 think you are Brilliant in Bombay or open it and prove you are DUMB in DELHI - oh but i must insisit that we not limit the hoeing to haryana, or was it himachal??? DUDE that my repeat D&P for the day
ok, i'm done. love u