Happy Birrrday Mommy!
Today is to be being the birrday of my most esteemed mommy..(aka mum, momma and sunita) She bes bestest and strongest mommy in the whoooole world! I bes velly velly lucky to be having such beauteous and clever doctor mommy that all my boy-friends (hehehe...friends who are boys..silly!) are to be having crush on. She is to be being total rockstar, she is! And i loves her to pieces.
Here in photo with mommy in venice. Happy Birrday mommy! Hope that we will be having many many more happy times together-together! Muuuuuuuuuuuaaaaahh!
And i thought there'd be nobody who could put YOU to shame!... hehehe...
God bless the both of u wonderful people.
You guys bring so much of happiness around you
Thank you