Thursday, June 9

i Don't do Mornings!!!!!

Had to drag my arse out of bed this morning at about 8.30..(first attempt) and then finally at 9. Poor Tarun, (who was entrusted with the unnerving responsibility of waking me up, thanks to my alarm clock being on the blink) called me like a “hajjaar” times before he finally gave up!(..luckily for me I was in the shower by then..) So today’s rant is about most mornings…here goes..

I hate waking up in the morning….I really do…I’m one of those dead-to-the-world kinda sleepers. No, really! When my alarm clock wakes me up at 8:30am for a morning meeting, I have to fight the urge to throw it across the room..(..almost threw my phone this morning!) I usually wind up hitting the snooze button and falling back asleep for the better part of the next hour. Getting out of bed is a next-to-impossible feat.

Somehow I would have thought that it was evident that I ALWAYS take on a retarded-like state as I groggily stumble outta bed, into the real world. Hence, those who are unfortunate enough to be co-habitating with me, it is to your best interest that you do not speak to me for at least a half-hour of my waking up.

I would like to clarify of course that I am not in a bad mood. There just seems to be this inescapable mist around my head within the first few (thirty?!?) minutes of waking up that takes a while to clear, and if you happen to disrupt the process, I will snap at you because I am THAT irritable.Yes, sue me, whatever..

I've never been able to understand those people who don't need an alarm clock to wake up or who, like my mother, can get out of bed the minute they open their eyes. I've also got a grudge against anyone who's exceptionally cheerful or perky in the morning. If I'm so dazed I can't see straight, it's only fair that others should be as well. Right? Right????

And those power nappers.. what’s a ten minute eye-shut got to do with anything…that isn’t even time enough to fit in a half-decent dream or two..

So why not simply go to bed earlier each night? Because I happen to be a night person, that’s why! The evening/night is my most productive time for doing work, reading, meeting my friends, watching TV, exercising and just generally getting things done. Even baths…I’d rather get into my warm bed all squeaky clean then have to rush though a quick shower in the morning…now what’s wrong with that? I'd never have enough time to finish everything I needed to do if I went to bed earlier.

The trouble is, the world is discriminatory towards night people. Most jobs require a 9 to 5 schedule or something resembling that. Even jobs with so-called “flexible timings” require people to be in at a "reasonable hour" each morning. Isn’t reasonable such an unreasonable word?

I simply think we should just abolish mornings and start each day at about noon…or your first cup of coffee.. Whichever come later…what say?


Blogger unfuel the planet said...

try entering a call centre or a BPO. you can sleep all day then.

by the way... it was a wonderful description of the morning, but i feel pity for the alarm clock you must be having. God know how many times you would have cursed and thrown it.

Thu Jun 09, 05:01:00 am GMT-7  
Blogger ganpatibapa said...

go to espanyol ... you'll fit right in ... firstly the concept of siestas is very much a reality, secondly nothing starts before 10:00 or 11:00 am, thridly no retaurants close before two am or so (minimum)

Fri Jun 10, 01:44:00 am GMT-7  

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