..more InaneChatter (TM, patent pending)
And so once again I have been tagged…and once again I must respond with another inane blog article..(I guess it’s that deep sated need to please people so they’ll love me more…hmmm) But the truth must be told…so here’s the whole story. Met Fabulous Nish on chat and that’s were our little modern-day tale begins…
Nish says: can u ask for interview so we can spread meme around???
rushes says: interview?
Nish says: see previous posting
rushes says: hmmm
rushes says: count me out
Nish says: but u the only one
Nish says: chal na
rushes says: I’d rather put up stupendous nish and fabulous rash cartoons (..coming soon so watch this space!!)
rushes says: arre?
Nish says: i ask u stupid question like what would u do with a jarful of booger?
rushes says: slip it into **censored**’s stew....don't figure anyone will notice anyways!
rushes says: lol
Nish says: slip what? cough syrup?
rushes says: can't not write that for fear of offending **censored** type ppls
rushes says: hehehehheheee
rushes says: one sec
rushes says: you hafta interview me?
rushes says: lol
rushes says: not josephine?
Nish says: not jpsephine
Nish says: i founded her link through through
Nish says: and was all like yayayyaya
Nish says: otherwise nobody interviewing me only
rushes says: woks.
Nish says: sigh
Nish says: so i interviewing u
Nish says: ok?
rushes says: I guess so…
Nish says: so u send me request
Nish says: otherwise i look **censored** no?
rushes says: wokay
Nish says: hehehehe
rushes says: to be leaving comment on blog article?
Nish says: yes, say pls interview me
rushes says: lol
rushes says: wokay jaanu
Nish says: ok ok we do tomorrow
Nish says: have to go see namrata
Nish says: now i gotta go
So a few minutes later I put up this comment on Nish-Pish’s blog…
Rushes said…
...yes pleease interview me!!! I have read your interview and have been struck by an intense longing to answer inane questions for blog material! ...with bated breath!
..and here are my questions as posed by the Fabulous Nish-pish ..and their answers
Nish said…
ok Stupendous Rash - you time starts now:
1. Which is your favourite word and why?
--Cinananamanum… cinnamananum.. cimanimanum… cinaminanumum…yup that’s the one! Why? Cos I can actually have an entire conversations using just that one word!
2. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
--Hot buttered toast.
3. Would you rather be a drop-dead gorgeous model with no leg(I think hand-model) or really rich with no eyes?
--Show me the money! (ironic no?)..i’ll just go out and buy me some eyes!
4. What is your best dream so far?
--Had a wonderful dream once that involved sting, some sort of restraining device and honey..(or was it whipped cream?!?) Yup..that would be the one!
5. Which is your favourite city in the world?
--Elasticity. I adore really freakishly bendy people!
There it’s done. The rules are simple. If you have with enough time on your hands and want to do this on your blog as well, do ask me to interview you and your wish just might come true. (depending on my exact level of boredom..)
wokay sammy baby. The fabulous Nish-pish has personally decided to take on your case. She's going to ask you the questions right here right now...
....over to Her Absolute Fabulousness, Nish-pish....
Ok Sam, here goes -
1. Name 5 famous people you would like at your dinner table (they have to be famous which means known beyond Hauz Khas/ GK2 ok)?
2. If you had to get a organ transplant for whatever reasons would you rather have a male dog's leg or an elephant's nose?
3. Shah Rukh Khan or Sanjay Dutt?
4. Your favourite growing up memory?
5. Which is your next holiday plan and why?