Monday, July 25

..another pointless meme!

Monday Meme 10 : 2005-07-25 : List Three

1. List three things on your desk:

My phone, my zippo and a picture frame of mom & dad

2. List three things you are wearing:

My rings, my watch and perfume!

3. List the last 3 things you ate:

Chola baturas, Soy Chops & a glass of milk.

4. List the last 3 people you touched:

Varsha, Seemit and Tarun

5. List three things you'd love to own:

a Ferrari, a Beach House and Colin Farrell.

I was the 441st person to take this week's Monday Meme!


Blogger Naked Street said...

hehehehehehhe Now what is this new meme Babs

Sat Jul 30, 03:36:00 am GMT-7  

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