The Need For Speed...
In spite of all my efforts to the contrary I seem to have managed to fall into the whole 9 to 5 rut! Drag ass out of bed...get to office...spend 9 hours working said ass off...drag ass back home ...crash ...rinse and repeat! The only day I get to myself now is one meager Sunday a week...its quite shitty since I’ve sooo gotten used to working at my own pace over the last few years. Siiigh!
Anyways...who said jobs were supposed to be fun, right? Just going to put my nose ( ass!) to the grindstone and keep at it. Have two big events planned today so the day promises to be fun( harrowing!).
Wish me luck!
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hahaha.. forget the blog.. the comments have started becoming even phunnier... babes 9-5 is so totally not your scene.. but i guess it helps pay the bills.. right... anyways catch up with you soon. love N
check this out. too funny.
N true. But bills be damned! You're supossed to be the official sponsor na? Also I think I'm going to over-rule my strict "no deleting comments" policy to get rid of these morons! I really wish they'd stop!