Monday Meme 14 : 2005-08-22 : Pick Four
1. What are your four favorite beverages?
Beer, Baileys & Chai! Not necessarily in that order! Oh yea...but nothing beats a nice glass of icy cold water on a warm day!
2. What are your four favorite tv shows?
Friends, Sex & the City, Frasier and Will & Grace! It's Sit-com's all the way although i kinda enjoy watching the occasional Law & Order episode.
3. What are your four favorite desserts?
Oooo..that awesome baked chocolate souffle they do at Diva! Makes me drool just to think about it! Then there's Gulab Gamuns, Waffles and anything with whipped cream on it!
4. What are your four favorite hobbies?
Reading, swimming and day-dreaming. Although right now i'm totally into jigsaw puzzles! The Sistine Chapel is almost done and i'm starting another one of Michelangelo's "Creation of Man" panel.

Also, here's a link to an interesting article I found about the "Creation of Man" panel. Wonder where this fits in the "Da Vinci Code"!!
5. What are your four favorite musicians?
Sting, Bjork, Zakir Hussain and Siddu!