Flight From Fancy?
Last week I was asked out on a date. I very politely, but veerrry firmly declined. I did. I don’t know my exact reasons per say, but I did know that I didn’t want to waste a few hours making inane and pointless conversation with this boy. For me, a good first date would include honesty and alcohol. And it was quite apparent that I wasn’t going to get either here. Ok so maybe I could’ve winged the alcohol. But even that didn’t really tempt me. And when that happens, you know you’ve got problems!
I’ve been meaning to get into my reasons for staying single. I just keep putting off making any commitments. I’m getting worried. I’m just too used to being alone now. I like taking over the entire bed. As soon as I find someone I like, I approach the intersection of insecurity and anxious. I’m happy in my own private world, with my small life and circle of friends. I’ve been so afraid of being cornered, for so long, that I’ve forced myself into it. I wasn’t always like this. I was always more of a “wear-my-heart-on-my-sleeve” kinda girl.
Ok so that gamble didn’t quite work out the way I’d planned it. The thing is I don’t quite remember actually planning to be married. It just happened. Like most of my life so far. And when it got to breaking point, I ran! Okay, running, just so you know, was invented to escape bad situations.
Now I’m still running. Running my life, in such a safe, meticulous way, having learned from everything, playing it safe. And the problem is, I’ve left a bit of me behind. The passionate bit, the bit that’s messy and full of heart, the one who doesn’t run. I miss the me that dives in, without reservation. There’s nothing like passion and feeling alive. Sometimes it’s reckless; other times it’s just selfish. But it’s always fun! It’s what keeps me from ever really enjoying “safe.”
When my ex-husband and me decided to part ways, I think one of the last things I said to him was, ”At least we had fun while it lasted!” I hope he understood what I meant. That there will be tragedies, people will leave or die or simply cease to be your friends, but the memories of the good times is what we need to treasure. And by playing it “safe” I’m losing out on memory-making time. I know this and it brothers me.
Except that I can’t help myself! It’s just too much torture to go through the whole process of getting intimate with somebody, when all you can think is “how long is this going to last?” or “ is this really worth it?”. I’ve always prided myself on being an all out optimist but lately I’ve begun to seriously doubt it. I’m getting cynical. I see a happy couple and I look for signs that they’re not quite as happy as they look. And most of the times I’m right.
But I guess in the end it’s all about finding the ever-exclusive mean, that perfect balance. I feel so stupid about not having seen the signs earlier on in my relationship that I now get into analyzing most situations with a microscope. I’m still in the fight but the rules just got really hard and not quite as flexible. And there’s that whole quarantine period that just makes most men throw in the towel. Hell, it’s a miracle that I even get asked out!
But for the now I’m pretty happy. I’ve been blessed with a bunch of really great friends (the kind that make me smile just to think about them), my most adorable mother (..I must have done something really worthy to deserve someone that special!), work that I love to do and a life that actually never gets even close to boring. That’s a lot even by the most extreme sensibilities!
Eventually I’ll need to get out there again. I’ll need to find my soul mate. And hopefully when that happens I hope I stick around long enough to realize it.
Hey rushkinz..
Owz u bebe?? Nice to see you writing n not cutting n pasting abt fire in bbay high/New nokia whatever!! Sigh, sometimes i feel all of us, at some point of time get afflicted by the dangerous bug 'overanalysicus beyondcomprehensionicus' the scrouge of todays youth! (Damn, i think had i taken up botany instead of physics, i wudve rocked at naming new bacteria, fungi n vermin of the like... :) Though when i recollect grandoisely classifying a really sordid n rotten looking specimen as'great indian fruit eating bat - Pteropus fruiteatin giganteus , only to be chided by bio teacher (who was quite a specimen herself, one defying classification at that! ;) that it was not a bat but a pitcher plant - Sarracenia purpurea or sumthin like that.. a rather humbling experience for that stage i must say.. but dammit it did look like a bumblin bat!!
Anyways, Im digressin from the topic - wuz readin this fantastic book called 'the road to reality' by roger penrose., who's a nobel prize winning physicist (yes i read this stuff too, you morons who think my literary interests are limited to playboy n hustler.. grrr!) n one of the topics discussed is can we conciously or otherwise, change the course of things by just thinkin about it? For we live in a dynamic world where things are a changin with time. Par example, Would've rippin a few drinks off da poor bloke u turned down been such a bad idea? Mebbe it was not to be, but what da hell, u may have met the man of your dreamz at da bar?!! By thinkin too much, we slow down the event chain, every decision you take opens up a plethora of options, its like a exponential function. its worth a pause n a deep thought... the bottom line is, and i shall deliver it without going into the pedantics and complex formulae involving Quantum theory, 11 dimensional string theory, calculus, tensors etc (yeah right!! :) damn, dont i sound smashin!!) we can screw things up jus by thinkin about it and overanalysin it too much. So baybee, jus hang loose, take things as they come, dont worry bout tmoro, or the day after, give in to today, live today well.
rushes!!!! considering i've been working on you for almost 3 years now.. ever since the infamous flight of steps ... (and have not thrown in the towel.. though have thought of several times)... maybe you should use me for a couple of beers...(surely quarantine is over) and who knows .. like the fighterpilot says.. u may meet mr perfect balance at the bar!!! soooooo???? beer??? p.s. your friends and molly do sounds amazing.. but then again you deserve every one of them.... keep smiling sweets.
Yea well, as most fabulous coohzin Nish-pish pointed out, i'm just getting too bloody philosophical in my old age. What i really need to do is let mah hair down..(I'm thinking all the way down...maybe go back to a crew cut!)
Anyways, that was yesterday and today's turned out pretty great so far so i guess its going to have to be one day at a time. :D
Hmmmmmm..... Very Interesting!!!! Who's the dude?????
Yeah very interesting Who's the Dude girl.....???????
Who's the dude girl?
Chup oye pilot.....
Hehehehehe....... come bugger u come to Delhi we'll talk it over a drink.....
i always like endings that end oer a drink!! :)
So wherere u treatin me at big guy?? :)
Whenever whereever u say krix!!!
Faith works..Just try to gain it...
And just be sure that you are not pretending to live..but actually living it from heart and soul.
Not trying to load you with heavy stuff...just making sure..that one good person on this earth lives completely as she decided to do always..
Good Luck..
I still wanna know who it is.
Me too....