Well while gruesome things have been happening in Bombay, good things have also been happening in Delhi. For instance, Varsha, after weeks and weeks of deliberation and another week of desperation, finally got herself a brand new Honda CRV. We drove out to Karnal (approx 200 kms out of Delhi) to pick up the car yesterday, and boy is it rocking or what? It rides nice, goes nice, and stops nice. It's got a peppy 2400cc engine, handles well, much roomier in the inside then it looks on the outside, reasonably good on gas (so far its giving her about 10 kmpl), drives beautifully, feels solid, apparently has high resale value and is supposed to be extremely reliable. It's great so far. All that and it looks so good! She’s bought the Metallic Opal Beige..(Dull gold) and it’s to die for. Here’s a pic.
Congratulations baby! It’s awesome! Muuuuuuuuuuaaaaahhh!
Ek Saath Do Do Hotties.... Congrats muuuaaahhhhh.....
wow - the car looks hot. varsha looks like she is being forced to smile. which all of us who know her know thats usually the case. and i have a technical question : does this have automatic transmission ? good one na.
Wow....Poochie am impressed!!!!! By the way..... do you know what automatic Transmission is or is this another "Three Pointer!!?!!"
Anyway, Gears are GOOD!!! Hate Automatic!!!
Hehehehee! There's your answer Pooch! Straight from the horses mouth! It's completely awesome though..the car i mean..when are we all going for "long drive"??
why automatic transmission?? why why o why??? sheeessshhh!!
het varsha, congrats sweetz way to go..
carpe diem baybee!!
okay - so you dont have automatic !
its rainin so hard that maybe yr car'll be the only one working today. Thats why its called varsha ke liye car. ha.
has rush driven it yet ? is she allowed to ? is nikky ? am i ???
oooooooooh, varshu i want i want i want to hang out of car window and dance all the way to the far out place for parathas.... pwomise no being drunken mess in new car...atleast the first couple of nights:) miss u girls and handsome2
Will ask the fighter Pilot to fist organsie a simulator and then after a year of training......YOU CAN DRIVE!!!!!
No but honestly, name the time and place and will bring the car to you, but in return how about bringing DL3SW 0012 to me???????
will bring DL-whatever to club on thursday then maybe you can use yr charm and drive his car while i drive yours...
and rush - how about posting a picture of those famous toes as well.
Wonder if she had this information before buying an SUV:
Me still got no ride in the CRV sigh!!! .....