Sorry folks! Haven't posted on here for ages I know. But it's been a really tough past few days. That's not to say that I haven't been having the most absolute blast but there have been restraints on the amount of time I get to myself these days! Of course I’m going to blog all about it soon ..but not today. For now you're just going to hafta settle for yet another mangy monday meme!
Monday Meme 13 : 2005-08-15 : Reading Rainbow
1. Do you subscribe to any magazines? Which? Are there any you'd like to subscribe to but haven't?
Time & The Archive. Would love to subscribe to The National Geographic!!!!
2. How many books do you read per month? How many are for work?
Oh i'd say about 5-8. None are for work!
3. What is your favorite genre of book (fiction, self-help, etc...)?
Fiction. Minimalist Fiction to be precise!
4. Where do you get your reading materials? Online? Bookstore? Library?
Bookstores, online, secondhand dealers...where ever i can get a fix!
5. List 5 books you recommend people read:
Not again! Please go read my Book meme here!
I was the 46th person to take this week's Monday Meme!