The things i do for birthday gifts i tell you! I've known Arun for about ten years now.. or a little more maybe. The first time we met we sneaked into a matinee show of Dantes Peak and shared buttered popcorn and this is the first time i've mentioned him on the blog... also he shares his birthday with my other bestest friend in the world Anu the double bitch who hasn't called me on my birthday! Well...hate her and love you ren'n'stimpy! Muuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaahhh!
ReN says:
/me shall wait this year and see, if not shall seriously consider severing all ties. especially since he hasnt been mentioned in the blog even in passing
ReN says:
/me ponders
rushes says:
rushes says:
ok ok
rushes says:
ReN says:
all of the above is to be taken lightly. except the gift part
i feel bad that i had to blackmail rush into putting me on the blog... well.. every one who knows me knows i have no shame.
i feel worse that i had to use a fictitious gift to get her to do it - sorry baby!! :p
jokes apart, i love u too. keep living, keep loving and let the spirits flow!