Wednesday, July 12

Singing in the rain...

The monsoon has finally hit this city! Such a relief from the heat and humidity of the past week, really. It’s the most gorgeous day outside and as a bonus..(self-awarded, of course!) Ranjan and I decided we’d go have chai and pakodas at the market for lunch. So here I am post, two cuttings of chai and three plates of mixed piping hot bhaji’s, in my office again all ready for a little snooze.. (imaginary, of course!) . Reminded me of college when we used to sit under this massive peepal tree at the workshop and order garam samosa-paos and cutting chai’s to an endless stream of shared ciggis. Aaaaahh the good old days! We even had this white statue that used to be black in the rains from being covered with snails trying to escape the puddles! A chai now is 6 bucks a cutting, a far cry from the buck I used to pay in college..(gawd... I sound like my grandfather, who claimed that while he was growing up, he could fill both his trouser pockets with 10 paisa worth of peanuts!). But all in all, it was lovely to get out and walk around under the cloud cover and light showers. Viva le monsoon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want Chai and Pakoras too!!!! Lets drive out and go get chai and Pakoras at Ahuja No. 1.......

What say????

Wed Jul 12, 03:45:00 am GMT-7  

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