Thrilling Thursday
It's a brand new day! The sky is blue, I'm wearing my new linen trousers (they were a bargain too!), I've lost a kilo in the last week, my deadlines have been met - okay, nearly - and I'm happy. And it shows.
And then, I walk into the office and Jeej actually asks me why I'm so happy. Wow! Am I really that transparent? At the grand old age of "oldenoughtoknowbetter", I must now attempt to gain an air of mystery!
I don't do mysterious very well though. I'm too hopeless. I'm transparent as Pamela Anderson's t-shirt in a car wash! I crave depth. Depth and mystery. I've got a degree, I can converse with company directors and look like I know what the hell they're talking about, I've had a bad marriage, I should have depth dammit!
But really, deep down, under my somewhat scary exterior (apparently, women with a sense of humour and red streaks are scary, according to a "friend") there is someone who can be cheered up with little things. Little things like an uninterrupted hour to watch a favourite sitcom, breakfast in bed, good news, an unexpected compliment, an email from a friend, a smile from a good-looking stranger or even piping hot 'pakodas' on a rainy day.
Today is one of those days. And I'm walking on air!
Plus , you know how it is...a positive attitude may not always work, but it annoys enough people around me to make it worth my while!
dahling, the deepest people are the ones who are actually very very shallow - and its good becos then well, size doesnt matter so much na, if u being shallow and all some very wise woman said dah-ling..."deep down i'm very superficial"...(though come to think of it....she was an animated fish)...but wisdom is where you look for it!