Tuesday, April 26

...wedding bells or funeral march? who can tell!

Yup, it's happened. My life's finally been sorted out. Apparently I'm stubborn and not prepared to change; I'm far too independent so I couldn't possibly have a successful relationship because wanting my own space/time is not what men want you to want! So there. I've been pegged and filed away. At least now I know what’s wrong so I can go about fixing it (hah! I know what’s wrong and I intend to keep it that way!) !!!

But, while I'm whiling away my time being foot-loose and fancy-free others around me have been hard at work getting hitched! The past few weeks have been filled with flurried activity really. With Ritz ad Nirav (mah closest and bestest friend through the harrowing years at art school) both tying the knot on Saturday (not with each other though!) my life is now a blur of whattowears, wheretogoes, whattogetems and once again whattowears. But during this verry verry important phase, I’ve come across some tidbits of news that promise to keep me really entertained. The gossip cup hath literally runeth over! Mahkupishfull! (oh where would we be without pillow talk? Single…of course! Duh!) There was the bit about a certain someone once close to my heart (ergo me!) and another story about some viley bi-atch! So we'll go with the heart one (ergo my heart, ergo me!) first! Okay, so this guy (let's call him “Chirkut Kumar”), decided to “make an honest woman” of another girl this year (for the record, I've heard only good things about her, bless her soul!) and with promises of no less than “till death do us part” mind you! So all was well until, a little bird whispered in mah ear that the wedding, for some reason was post-poned! Now what information could this sweet, albeit somewhat gullible (..she's marrying Chirkut.. dammit!) girl have been recently privy to, to make her skittish?

The fabulous Nish-pish and I toiled away furiously for a whole ten minutes and here's a list of the top “fie” reasons we came up with! (two minutes each!)

a) That he was still in lurve with his ex.
b) His income status. (not much to talk about here)
c) His fabulous trusting nature (cut through the sarcasm)
d) His taste for the anal..(ahem!) (and now of course, he can't respect her!)
e) The real value of a certain bauble he got her…(this one was contributed by Nish-pish'es husband dearest in one of his brilliant spells!)

Well, all in all, we wish Chirkut luck in all his future endeavors and move on to our next subject, the certain viley bi-atch! (let's call her...err...Premlata). Now Premlata lives in her own imaginary world with her own imaginary friends. And one day our little Premlata imagines that she can get away with (oh the size of the ego on that girl!) bitching about her imaginary friends to THEIR own real friends. Now little does our little heroine know that she’s been caught out. So if you’ve been naughty this week and think we didn’t know about it...watch out little Premlata. Cos we’re coming to get ya!

Ok so now…I’m off. Need to get the gossip bug a break and chat “nuclearfusion” and “worldpeace” with Nish. See you pholks!


Blogger Naked Street said...

"Life isn't like a box of chocolates... it's more like a jar of
jalapenos. What you do today, might burn your butt tomorrow"

So let premlata be herself and do what she is good at which is practicaly nothing. If you dont have a life then what do u do. Bitch about others so let it be.

The article on chirkut is interesting.

Tue Apr 26, 07:14:00 am GMT-7  

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