Monday, October 2

Monday morning blu...'s Tuesday!

So my stuff finally got in Saturday night/ Sunday morning! I am still veering on that threshold between tremendous relief and absolute anxiety (..but I’m fairly certain the relief’s almost all gone now). How am I going to get the whole thing done before the gals get here?!? Right now that seems a veritable dream. I’ve managed to get a few things’s probably not as bad as it seems…it’s just that it seems so absolutely petrifying to me right now! The washing machine’s up, and so’s the refrigerator and the microwave. I had the electricians in all of Monday getting all my various lights and power points up. So that’s something. Now its just the stuff I have to attend to…personally…by myself… there’s cartons of clothes, books, kitchenware..(this I’m going to con my maid into doing…ain’t I just the devil..:P), paraphernalia, all the photograph frames and other knick-knacks I’ve managed to somehow accumulate…siiiigh…it goes on for a bit.

The weekend, other than the dreary unpacking bit that I’ve already covered has been for the most part very relaxing.. went to TGI Friday and managed to get slugged before heading off to Athena on Friday night…which was open till…*gasp* …1 am… (..shocking how late people stay out these days!!!) .

Saturday was spent mostly waiting for the delivery truck to get in…and also working out..:D. I finally managed to drag said ass( mine!) on that walk I kept promising myself, after which, I even got in a surprising amount of crunches, presses and pushups. Of course, how much this monumental struggle affects the ass-in-question(..still mine!) is inversely proportional to the copious quantities of “French Apple Cake” I’ve been shoveling down my face. In a furious fit of self back-patting I managed to ‘reward’ all that exercise by discovering the “Corner Shop”, Bangalore’s own little corner ice-cream parlour, not a hop, skip and jump away from where I live! Oh joy…my world’s been soo much brighter since I happenenced upon this discovery! I would actually put up pictures of the perpetual crimes I’ve been committing ever since, but we’re still at that “can’t-keep-our-hands-off-each-other” phase, so... that will have to wait until such time that I find the patience to take a picture before wolfing down on the goodies.

Sunday actually saw me up at 7.30 am..(I didn’t know they still made those!!) getting my boxes unloaded and then off to the Leela for their sushi brunch..(I love these little schemes where-by I reward myself for all the tremendously useful stuff I do..(?!?) with food and alcohol…heh heh heh).. The soft-shelled crab and the eel are now part of the regular buffet…a development I want to take full credit for.. and the Mongolian stir-fry completely out of this world! Now that was a good afternoon, if I do say so myself!

Also amidst all that mayhem, I managed to see a few movies I’d been planning to. Finally watched Trainspotting, Memento and the Machinist. Quite an agenda you say…and I have to agree. All of the above being “sit-up-in-your-chair-and-stare-at-the-depths-of-human-depravity” sort of flicks. But still. Worth that watch. Re-saw bits of the final season of Sex and the City afterwards, just to get that gravely twang off my tongue.

So all in all its been a chaotic yet productive weekend… with stress on the productive and well…also on the chaotic… more when it happens!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rest this coming weekend cos the one after that is going to be the Ultimate in CHAOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Tue Oct 03, 04:04:00 am GMT-7  

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