Thursday, October 12


Ok…so as promised, Ramesh did take me out last night… to this place I happily called “Bollocks and Bush” (…and later found out was actually christened “Bull and Bush”...yea, like THAT’s so much better!! Duh!). It turned out to be a rather pleasant evening with the DJ playing dvd’s of Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin and the Eagles..(really not so crazy about Floyd and Led Zep (Thanks to Nirav! But that’s an entirely different story for another time) but hey, it turns out that consuming copious quantities of alcohol is a great way to tune out the sound!). Of course Ramesh and I decided that we wanted to request a few song, being their numero uno customers and all..(he was drinking their finest..(ahem..ahem) scotch after all) and it also turned out that the aforementioned DJ had none of em! Now I ask you.. which self respecting DJ (..we’re talking about the kind that still play good ol’ rock and not the Britney Spears toting wusses!!) doesn’t have a good dose of the Police, Pearl Jam and STP?!? Go figure! Well anyways, after we had our fill..(..the last order here is 10.30 people…and at 11 they actually come and take your glasses away.. so beware!) we sauntered on back home where Ramesh helped me unpack two more cartons in preparation of the coming of her-fabulousness Nish-pish..who gets into town tonight for my birthday. And, I seriously think I might be getting old cos..
a) When we walked into the Bollocks place I actually asked the management to turn the music down (it was just too loud! was totally giving me a headache!!!)and
b) I was completely ready to pass out at about 3ish and didn’t even want to finish my bottle of beer…(I did finish it…I mentioned this merely cos even the thought of wasting it was alarming enough…blasphemy!!!!)

Anyways, got up fresh as a daisy this morning and now that my “imaginary” friend Gappan’s back from his month long tour of the US, decided to go to the KGA for lunch. Totally lapped up the fresh lime juice and bacon wrapped prawns. Awesome!! Am all set to pick up Nish at 9.30 so until stuff happens, that’s all for now folks!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Birthday Baby......

So how was the birthday???? He!!! he!!!

Baba if you think you are getting old.... then start looking it too..... You know you cant look 19 for the rest of your life!!!!!!!

Also very proud of you..... You didn't waste your beer. Good Bacchha!!!!!

Hope the day was good and the year is FANTASTIC!!!

Loads of love always,

Mon Oct 16, 12:14:00 am GMT-7  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bollocks!!! Well, lets jus say that the fact that the 'DJ' dinn know any of the stuff we requested, made me have my last few drinks with my "smug n holier than thou" face... n the fact that he thought Neil Young was some rap guy, of course he did immediately apologize and profusely at that, but only after I effectively showed him the error of his ways by threatening him with a slow and painful death involving being hung from the ceiling fan by some rather unmentionable bits, n of course playin around wid da regulator later :) n hey, u did waste some beer, but then I forgive you since it was ur appy birthday!!!

Tue Oct 17, 04:57:00 am GMT-7  

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