Thursday, March 31

don't talk just kiss!

kiss, originally uploaded by rushes.

I had an old friend of mine visit me over the weekend. We did all the usual stuff, you know, dancing, lunches, drunken conversations at six-in-da-morn, the works. All in all it was quite a blast. One of the discussions was, as usual, my love life, or rather my ever-amusing lack of one. Somehow everyone seems flabbergasted by my prolonged period of celibacy. And quite frankly I'm rather shocked myself. Oh I do get my share of oral sex..( Fuck you too bastard!!!) just driving the ill-mannered roads of our fair capital, but honestly the thing I really miss is the kissing. So, in my effort to be more blog-oriented..(nish would be proud!) I'm going to list for you all the reasons why kissing just might be "the greatest sport there is!"

1. Kissing requires no equipment. It's an anywhere anytime kinda sport. ( Long time players know better than to chew garlic before indulging.)
2. It's fat-free. Which is great for when i'm on a diet seeing that it keeps my mouth entertained. And also for those smokers who are looking to quit. Definitely more effective than a patch I say!
3. Kissing is diabetes friendly, contains no harmful chemicals and completely biodegradable. So go on.. pucker up for the environment!
4. It's completely legal. I know all the good things in life are illegal, immoral or fattening, but kissing manages to bypass all the loopholes and just be lip-smacking good!
5. Kissing always livens things up. Go ahead, try it! Next time you're at some boring do just grab the guy sitting next to you and go for it. Will definitely work better if he's married to someone else.
6. It's a versatile sport. There's so many different types of kissing even the haughtiest connoisseur will have a favorite. There's a friend of mine who particularly enjoys following the treasure trail...(for the uneducated, it's that line of hair on guys tummies that trails down to you-know-where...duh!) that's all I have for now. Maybe Nish can add to this list.

3:38 PM
Nish said...

7. kissing does not count as adultery - oh there are some idiot pretty-woman watching people who may say kissing is more sacred but definetly saliva exchange less bad than other fluid exchange.
8. if the guy cant kiss, he pretty much will suck at all other tasks - unless he can suck well!! in which case its a whole new ball-game!! So its a good test of other skills.
9. You can kiss a girl - its fun and creeps in bars will back off

more later - i'm putting on my deepandprofound though thinking cap

Friday, March 18

Nish's Excellent Delhi Adventure

Nish's Excellent Delhi Adventure, originally uploaded by rushes.

...and so every once in a while when my dearest cousin's "husband dearest" deigns it fit, she hops on a flight to Delhi to spend some time with me. And every once in a while on one of these wild rides one of us pulls out a camera. This is just one of the tamer shots to come out of those rolls. I'm still collecting enough money to pry the rest of them from the sticky fingers (...don't ask!!) of the psycho developing guy. Please send all donations to "Nish & Rush's Blackmail Relief Fund"

Thursday, March 17


Originally uploaded by rushes.
..well, the way I figure it is that if i upload enough of the really random ones I'll eventually start on the meaningful ones. En-jaay!

My Red Shoes...

red shoe copy
Originally uploaded by rushes.
Ever since you swept me off my feet, my red shoes lie asleep in my room...

It may be time to wake them up...

my girls

mygirls, originally uploaded by rushes.

...and here's to my super fine Delhi girls that actually make living here worth while. Right to left there's Pooja, Riti, Shalini, Varsha & moi. Love you too much my babies. Muuuaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!

Wednesday, March 16

The Fam

Originally uploaded by rushes.
Yea, well call me soppy but as I wait for my absolutely adorable albeit technologically challenged cousin to upload party pics, I figured I'd do some uploading of my own. And please brother's not as serious as he looks here....why last week he almost cracked a whole smile!

and heeeeeeeere's Nish!

Originally uploaded by rushes.
You've seen us all fat on her blog so i'm going to be nicer and show you thin pictures. Don't she look cho chweeet in this here photo picking the lice out of my "Beauteous Hairs"?


woman, originally uploaded by rushes.

Just something I whipped up a while ago. I need to get a whole lot more serious with this whole sketching deal if I'm to grow up and be famous artist!