So the last few working days have largely been spent learning hip-gyrations ala Rakhi Sawant to disreputably iniquitous Hindi gaanas! God help me…I’m completely hipped out! Finally, after hours of grueling practice, have managed to drag my ravaged self to my desk for a quickie round of “I-did-not-just-spend-my-entire-morning-doing-THAT!” self-remorse! This sucks people! Aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhh!
Ok now that that’s done I can move on to other more pleasing past-times that I’ve indulged in over the past what…weeks it’s been? My trip to Bombay was completely and utterly splendid! Met up with Nish-pish & husband in good standing, Vikram, Sunila, Dilnaz, Ramesh, Suman, Ritzi, Kunal, the entire KoppiKarKlan (Heehee..rude reference totally intended dude!!!!) and a whole assortment of mamas, mamis, pacchis, bappas and other kin!
It was all good! Had a really sweet lunch with mommy dearest at Royal China ( VickedVarsha even got her to do a bottom’s up with her Bloody Mary! …aren’t we getting kooky in our old age!), copious quantities of crab at Mahesh, amorous amounts of alcohol at The Salt Water Grill, Vie, Enigma, the Piano Bar, Bombay Gymkhana, Temptations, Olive and finally at Raheja Classique, Riti and Kunal’s new apartment! Love you guys! Was soo awesome meeting Kunal in his element for a change as opposed to his prim Delhi self!
On a sad note though had to replace the traditional Indigo brunch with it’s Bandra counterpart at Olive so that kinda put a damper on things but the “Tamarind Bloody Mary’s” did help in the drowning of erstwhile sorrows! And of course faux meetings at non-existent coffee shops must also be added to the list of lows! Finally got back on Sunday after a verrry self-indulgent power-party weekend!
Have been pretty mucho tied up with work since then..( which I’m referring once again to the aforementioned gyrating-hip phenomenon, of course!) Did watch a few movies over this week. Varsha’s spending the week at my place in lieu of her house being overhauled so we’re pretty set on going through her exhaustive new collection of DVD’s she’s bought on her recent trip to Bangkok! So far we’ve seen The Wedding Crashers (..funny in bits! Vince Vaughn is really good.) and Mean Girls (..teen chick-flick..not a patch on Clueless)
Also in up-coming events is Reema’s too-wicked-too-be-true “Leather & Lace” Anniversary Bash! I’m actually quite excited about this one seeing as I missed her last do, which I never quite heard the end of! The theme then was “Pimps and Whores”!! Whatever will they come up with next??? Anyways have managed to squeeze said hips into this gorgeous pair of red leather trousers ( Nish-pish you rock baby!!) and shall sashay as and when required! Yay!
Anyhow that’s all for now folks! More when it happens!