Wednesday, September 20


You never know how much crap you have until you have to move. Seriously. I must have thrown out and recycled half my apartment. Drawers of clothes, gone. Stacks of magazines, gone. Piles of wires and cables, set aside to be given away or just trashed. Furniture pieces, sold or given away. It’s an incredibly liberating process, but it also pains me to see some of these things disappear. I’m such a packrat when it comes to these things; I love keeping old memorabilia, storing favorite issues of magazines, etc. I guess I’m just a nostalgia junkie really…

The hard part is just trying to juggle several moving procedures at once. Sure there’s the whole cleaning out and packing part (most of which was covered last week), but there’s also the address change coordination, the change of utilities, the returning of the apartment keys, the haggling over rent rates with the new landlord, the arrangement of a moving truck (..I’ve just never been so grateful to have a Varsha-best friend in my life!), etc etc. It’s just an “ohmyfriggingod how am i going to get all this done” situation in my head. And the expense! If I'd known that moving would cost so damn friggin much I might have just stayed put! Seriously! Broke and disoriented ain't a pretty combo! Not to mention that work has just gotten insanely crazy recently. This last week has been one of the busiest weeks I’ve ever experienced in the workplace. And this coming week looks to be twice as busy. So combine moving craziness with workplace insanity and you can see why I’m super-stressed out right now. I must’ve had like two mini nervous breakdowns that Varsha has had to nurse me through just this past week. I swear I don’t know how she puts up with me.

The only consolation I have is that it’ll all finally be done this coming Sunday. That’s right, by this time two weeks from now (..takes a week to truck stuff between Delhi and Bangalore), I’ll have a new home. With a pool & nice neighbors. And my washing machine finally set up. It’s all for the best.

Also on a happier note I did manage a short tryst with the boyfriend and mum lands up this coming weekend to spend some quality timne with me. So the weekend looks like it'll be fun...

That’s if I manage to survive this week.