Wednesday, June 6

This is me!

In the absence of hawaii/london pics to post..(haven't gotten around to downloading them off the camera yet...lazy lazy!) here's the results of yet another personality test...:P

Monday, June 4

Random 3 am posting…

Am finally back in the motherland after two weeks on various continents….suffering severe lagging and post-vacation blues. Have to get act together and post on blog. Met up with favorite and most-loved cousin Moshe (and a whole bunch of others I shall blog about later…including the most effervescent ex Siddu, the infamous Nomita Kohli, Intrepid pilot Krix.) and am delighted to report only good things. Other than the fact that he's absolutely gorgeous..(yea...the good genes..:P) he’s also now the big heap photographer in the San Fran doing major artsy-fartsy stuff. More power to him!!!

Hawaii was great and London rocked as usual!

More tomorrow…