1. I love making lists…
2. I love to read and am obsessive about my book collection.
3. I don’t do mornings…am practically addicted to the snooze button
4. I adore massages! Foot massages are a major turn-on!
5. I want to be published someday…
6. Oils are my medium of choice though I work better with acrylics…
7. I really miss someone to cuddle with on rainy Sunday afternoons…
8. I don’t need a boyfriend. I need a soul mate!
9. I don’t like aerated drinks (with the exception of beer) Never have never will!
10. I love variety. Routines bore me.
11. I speak 4 languages..(6 if you include Gibberish & InaneChatter). I understand 4 others
12. I love high heels!
13. If I could I’d live in my jeans.
14. My whole life I’ve wanted a pet dog named “Billding”
15. I love to eat and like to experiment with new cuisines and cooking styles.
16. I hate pretentious people.
17. I loooooove to drive.
18. I’m afraid that I’m a bit too fond of video games…and that given a chance I’d be addicted!
19. I love my sit-coms!
20. I currently own 156 Archies Comic Digests..
21. I love Sting!
22. I wish I’d been born with straight hair.
23. My fastest time on minesweeper (expert level) is 121 seconds.
24. I’m a die-hard optimist!
25. At my skinniest ever I used to weigh 49 kilos…and at my fattest 78 kilos.
26. I write poetry
27. I hate tomatoes!
28. I sleep naked whenever I can.
29. I prefer baths to showers
30. I’ve sprained both my ankles numerous times. I get my weak ankles from my mother’s side of the family.
31. I like sex…(at least the way I remember it..)
32. I love getting mail. Not e-mail.. but real, foldable, letters. It’s pure joy.
33. The only things my handbag contains are my wallet, my Zippo, my Swiss knife and my cell phone.. And occasionally some make up.
34. I’ve been madly, insanely and crazily in love three times in my life. I’ve had my heart broken only once. I think I’ve been very lucky.
35. I love meeting new people. I’m fascinated by eccentric personalities.
36. My friends think I party too hard.
37. I love my brother to pieces. I don’t think he knows it but I adore him shitless.
38. My dad and me don’t get along because we’re too alike. It takes one to know one…
39. The one superpower I wish I had is the ability to fly.
40. If I could have two the second would be invisibility.
41. I don’t have a favorite colour.
42. I love to sing.
43. The news depresses me.
44. I’m as comfortable at a formal do as I am at a dhaba.
45. I’ve been living by myself for four years and I love it!!!!
46. I still love all my exes. It's not a let's-get-back-together kind of love, more like an overall benevolence.
47. I’m not the jealous sorts. If my partner doesn’t want to be with me I figure its his loss.
48. When I was in college I used to go to clubs wearing my yellow combat boots.
49. Ideologically, I am an environmentalist, but I'm decidedly NOT outdoorsy.
50. I’m better with faces than with names and dates.
51. I used to love math in school but hated my math teacher.
52. I’m not religious at all but I do respect other peoples right to be.
53. I love Indian mythology. I’ve read the complete unabridged “Ramayana” and “Mahabharata” and loved them.
54. I think Kishore Kumar could pretty much kick Mohammad Rafi’s butt.
55. I like woodsy, herbal, and spicy fragrances more than floral or fruity ones.
56. I used to swim competitively. Even today when I see a pool I’m thinking laps!
57. I majored in photography in college. I rarely shoot photographs anymore, but I still entertain the idea of doing photography as a career someday.
58. When I first got my crew cut , I’d been threatening my mom with shaving my head for so long she was kinda relieved.
59. I have sobered down in the last four years. I’m not half as impulsive as I used to be.
60. I think my brother’s girlfriend Lynn is one of the sweetest people I know.
61. I think my mother absolutely rocks! She’s an amazing personality and I’m lucky to have her.
62. I’ve known my friend Sunila for 25 of my 27 years. We’ve been best friends since the first day of playschool when she sat on me and tried to steal my lunch.
63. I used to have hair up to my knees till I was 14 years old. Mom still has my braids in a little box in her closet.
64. I have two tattoos.
65. I’m a guilty shopper. I think shopping is really self-indulgent.
66. I’m generally very protective about the people around me. I think it comes from being the older sister.
67. I wish I was taller.
68. I have no allergies that I know of.
69. I had two pet snails when I was growing up. They were called Speedy and Tickles. I used to love the feel of them crawling on my arms.
70. I like mustard, black pepper and green chillies. Hate Tabasco!
71. I loooooove seafood!
72. I like my steak rare.
73. I was overweight growing up. In my head I’m still a fat girl.
74. I’m a bad keeper-in-toucher. I wish I’d been there for my friends more.
75. I’m very in the moment. I want to be swept off my feet.
76. I don’t understand the concept of casual sex. I think intimacy is very important in a sexual relationship.
77. I genuinely like to exercise.
78. I love my rings. Other then that I’m not very into jewellery.
79. I’m a bad patient. I prefer to be left alone when I’m feeling ill.
80. I’m Libran. My birthday is the 13th of October.
81. I hate confrontations.
82. I have a soft spot for tall men.
83. I like spooning.
84. I recently got my hair streaked. Bright red.
85. My best friend is a cynic. I would like to change that about her but am afraid of her getting hurt in the bargain.
86. I very often want to be someone else so I can get an objective view of my life
87. I love sushi.
88. My friends think I’m too trusting.
89. It’s true. I’d rather believe people are basically good.
90. I watch TV with my head tilted. Its weird but I’ve just always done it.
91. I’ve been driving since I was about 14.
92. I love the smell of antiques and old books.
93. I am planning to get married this December
94. In Goa.
95. If I had to choose between wealth and fame I’d choose fame.
96. If I could turn back time I’m not quite sure I’d do anything differently.
97. I’m sure I want kids..(at least on Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays.)
98. I love sunsets. Twilight is possibly my most intense time of the day.
99. I'm a huge procrastinator. It’s taken me about two weeks to get started on this list.